The Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) is a conservative denomination that has been defending biblical Christianity for over 75 years. The OPC is not associated with the Presbyterian Church USA (mainline denomination).
An Important Note About Who We Are NOT
What is the Orthodox Presbyterian Church?

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a denomination committed to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. It’s beginnings reach back to the 1930’s and the battle to defend the Christian faith against compromises in doctrine and life. Since it’s beginning in 1936, the OPC has stood on the foundation of God’s word. Providence OPC is thankful for the relationship it has as a member church of the OPC. The benefits of this relationship are:
- Shared support of missions at home and abroad.
- Shared support of ministries of compassion (ex. Disast er Reflief).
- Mutual accountability with other likeminded churches.
- Growing together through discipleship.
Why Another Church in Pataskala?
Providence is not just another church. While we share with all true Christians the basic tenants of Christianity, we also are committed to details about the faith that are very important to know, believe, and practice. As a Reformed Presbyterian Church we have a clear statement of faith that informs how we worship and how we live. We think Pataskala and surrounding communities will benefit from us being here as we share the work with other churches in making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What is Your Worship Like?
Our worship seeks to be reverent of God’s holiness and glory. God’s words say we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) and with reverence and awe (Hebrews 12:28). We are taught in the Scripture that in worship…
God speaks to His people through His Word and Spirit. Worship is like a conversation. It is initiated by God who speaks authoritatively to us. That is why you will find citations for the reading of Scripture and a place for the preaching of Scripture in our worship.
We speak and respond to God. Since God speaks authoritatively to us we ought to respond reverently to Him. As a conversation we enter into it in several ways. We Sing Psalms and hymns of praise in order to acknowledge the greatness and majesty of the God who speaks to us. We pray because our God has commanded and invited us to do so in Jesus’ name. Singing and praying are also ways by which we respond to what we have heard from God’s word.
We encourage one another: The hymns and responsive readings are ways in which we encourage one another that we are not alone in our journey. In worship we build each other up in the faith upon which our lives are grounded.
We receive the blessing of God: God blesses His people when they gather together before Him in worship, so we receive a benediction from His word.
- Bible-based Worship
- Encouraging Discipleship
- Active Service
- Loving Fellowship
- Faithful Witness
Our History
In 1995 a few families gathered together for a Bible study. Those who began to meet were interested in starting a church that was committed to the historic Christian faith, the sovereign grace of God, beautiful worship, relevant preaching from God’s word, and strong relationships. Since the group was meeting under the oversight of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, it had the benefit of the prayers and wisdom of the people of that faithful denomination. The Lord heard and answered the prayers by adding families and individuals to the group and in 2003 it was organized as a local congregation with its own elders. Since then Providence has worked to pursue those same commitments and build upon a strong foundation.
If you are looking for a church home that rejoices in God’s word and seeks to apply it to every-day life, we invite you to visit with us.